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Monday, August 30, 2004

Tipping the convenience store clerk

So this is completely off topic:

When did we have to start tipping the Dunkin' Donut person for a cup of coffee? I wait for my change at the drive through and I get the stink eye. The other day, I noticed a tip jar at the counter of the local convenience store.

How should we read this:

The evergrowing greediness of the American? (Not to mention laziness.) I mean, this is just a handout they are looking for (yes, it's a dangling prep.) Barmen and waitstaff make next to nothing in salary. Plus you tip for service. But the register girl?

Maybe it's de facto recognition that minimum wage really doesn't cut it. The only problem with this theory (other than its obvious truth) is that most of these tipping incidents involve oh so skeptical high school or college p/t or summer workers in expensive communities.

I grossly overtip bar and waitstaff, because I used to be a (pretty good) bartender, and a (horrible) waiter. Also, I superstitiously believe in goes around, comes around karma. And my wife still earns cash in bartending.

But I refuse to tip the checkout girl!! Who's with me?

Sunday, August 29, 2004

"The Drama of Hyphenation"

Interesting semi-review of the movie Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle in The Melting Blog.

I liked that line a lot: The Drama of Hyphenation . . . serious and jaded . . .

Now listening: Raid Di Barn by Anthony B.

Yuggu Yoi, Yuggu Yoi, Yuggu Yoi
Emperor Selassie I
Jah Jah is the only way

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Arise! Records temporary home

Download Jack of All Trades there.

Also, link to updated I Must Go at

the original version of I Must Go is playing at discoverRadio by Global Dust.

Slagging: Irish and American style

Just a random sampling of a file I am building from "found dialogue" online:

What a little holier-than-thou snipe you are


Pretentious little bollox

The tosser in black (Bono)


Sorry, I'm allergic to men who exude the massive inability to appeal toanyone except through victimhood.

If the average Yank lost 25 stone, he'd fall through his arsehole and> >hang himself.

That is a hell of a lot better than being a stupid, yellow, lazy, smellyEuro-pee-ion

are you a natural twat or do you have to work at it?

foolish ill informed article from a know nothing whiner.

I must be a real piker then.. my only donation was$1.00 for a Unite Ireland bumper sticker from Noraid..


Not really.. many of them have never been to Ireland.. orat least NI.. in fact.. one I know who is held in high esteemby some.. his only trip to Ireland was a ten day pub crawl with one dayspent in NI.. and now he's an expert on the situation in NI..? The good Irish here are proud of their heritage.As well they should be.

In my community, most of the Irish visit Ireland at least once a year.They are well aware of Ireland and it's political, social environment.The immigrant Irish here (fresh from Ireland) can't understand allthe fuss about being Irish. First generation after a bit understandthat their heritage and culture, and the ones that came before them,have contributed greatly, to make this country the wonderful placeit is. Second generation on up are assimilated into the culture and,for the most part, don't pay attention to the I-Am groups. But there is a group who really feel the call, they feel that they are Irish, andyearn for anything Irish. I have one son who considers himself Irish,he associates with the immigrant Irish community, has his 'local'a short walk from where he works, and, for the most part, is amember of that community. At first he caught a lot of crap forbeing a 'wannabe Yank' but as time went on he blended intobeing one of the lads. I realize that most Irish in Ireland don'tunderstand why we Irish in America are so bursting proud of ourheritage, but after a few years in this good country, and in a partof America where the Irish successes are so apparent, andwhen people open their homes and wallets to make their transitioneasier, they come around.

My mother and father came from Ireland and.. all my family is there..aunts.. uncles.. cousins.. I have one cousin here in America.. and..I consider myself Irish.. as Irish as anyone else.. including the'Pure' Irish.. But.. I don't live there.. and that's why I think it's wrong for I-AM's and others not living in Ireland to try to meddlein Irish affairs.. politicaly or otherwise.. no matter how goodtheir intentions.. end short rant.. now I'm off for a ride.. then a baseball gamebetween 13 year olds.

After lurking here for a while and going through the archives thereare a few things I'd like to get off my chest.I am an Irish-American. While my Irish ancestry is a part of who I am,it is not the centerpiece of my very existence. I think the PlasticPaddies who run around proclaiming their Irishness at every turn andlamenting their imagined oppression at the hands of the British are abunch of stupid wankers and it's very telling to me how many of themI've met that have WASPy sounding surnames that are not particularlyIrish at all.If I knew of one, I'd be happy to give to a humanitarian organizationproviding relief to people in Ireland who need it but I've never givena dime to the IRA, as I've always figured that England and Ireland aretwo big, grown-up countries that can settle their differences on theirown without any interference from me. I'm far more concerned about theassholes in Washington, D.C., who have a direct effect on my life,than some assholes half way around the world in Belfast or London whohave no power over me whatsoever. Besides, the IRA are a bunch ofCommie bastards anyway, as I found out many years ago as a young boyat the local library. (Yes, I read books. We Americans are not all abunch of complete morons, you know.)To all I-Am's: Quit supporting Communism in the land you claim tolove. Quit acting like a bunch of presumptuous wankers. Get overyourselves.To all Irish: I know it's trendy to bash Americans this year, butplease try to stop acting like a bunch of hateful, disgusting pigs toa group of people that are proud of their connection with you. Getover yourselves.That is all. Both sides may begin flaming now


What does this have to do with Irish soccer? An American playing in Germany. Just cause his name is Irish doesn't mean we have to talk about him.

Yeah, his ancestors f*cked off to a better life so that's the last we should hear or see of them.

Let's face it someone with a name like Conor Casey has to be more than a little bit irish. At least 1st generation. I'd heard Kerr scouted a lot of dudes in the US. Noonan is pretty good but he's not turning it on thi year and has been capped surely by the USA anyway by now


How can you claim in one breath that a country should be down to rights and liberties, i.e. as you claim the U.S. to be, then also claim that where your from is a racial thing?
In the blood, so if in a war between Ireland and the U.S. we can expect you to spy for Dublin and carry out the orders of Dublin against the U.S.?
In my books past one generation and you are seriously pulling the p*** claiming that you are Irish. Being Irish is knowing what being Irish is about, you do not. Immigrants to this country are more Irish in my eyes, than plastic Paddys.

O yea I have a vote in Ireland, where is yours, ya wannabe Irishman?

You claim that we all want to be Americans, but we know we do not and have told you so, seems to me its you that wants to be something you are not. So obviously Ireland is the greater nation as you all want to be Irish.


There's nothing worse than a bunch of Plastic Paddys. "Born in Australia" or "Born in America" or "Born in Ireland, but living in Canada and Africa" for most of their lives. When will these people realise Ireland is a modern nation and is tired of people that behave like a bunch of fucking knackers. I am sick of people in this country and the US telling me "I'm Irish," when their only connection is that that their Mother was once bitten by an Irish Wolfhound.They should piss off back to the country where they really belong...or preferably Iraq.


Top ten reasons to dislike the Americans

  • 1) 55% of them are obese while many in the world are starving
  • 2) They are poluting the world far greater than anyother nation. On average 1 american polutes the world 15 times more than the average non american
  • 3) They are all arrogant and think "america is great" "americans are the greatest race" Almost sounds like what the nazis used to say
  • 4) They are ignorant to all world issues (why isnt bush in south africa??)
  • 5) They have a dumb fu©k for president
  • 6) They get shootings in schools and yet they still allow the legalisation of guns...
  • 7) They make up crappy sports like "american football" and "baseball" which are just a load of bollocks
  • 8) They change history using films to make themselves look greater than they are
  • 9) Thier lack of knowledge
  • 10) They are the most gulable people on the earth and will believe anything you tell them.

diarmidlogan@xxxx.nett wrote in message
. . .

Who is David 'Diarmid' Logan?
A tenner says you were born David, in the USA.
American plastic paddys are like religious converts or born again non-smokers: extremist about something or other, in your case the 'British'. You just lost your tenner. Michilín

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Globaldust Radio

Please go and check out Jack of All Trades at Globaldust Radio in the folk section!

I Must Go Demo: Lyrics

I Must Go
Bound for clearer sailing I will brave the roughest waves
These days fortune smiles upon us only faintly
Take up arms against a sea of troubled waters
The times are forcing me away
Janey you're the one for meI've told it to you lately
But to plunder time's long chanceI'm bound for leaving
Pretty eyes of blue
May cry a thousand tears of mourning
They cannot match the ocean that I'm sailingI must go
Skies and seas so black
And land so brown and drab
They're like the peasants' sack cloth
Like those endless fears
So many never to come back
Oh let them go we can do naught
We too have nothing
Still your love for me is stronger
Than this sea of doubt
My love for you is greater
Than this ocean of doubt

Also at

Jack of All Trades demo: Lyrics


Jack of all trades master of none
I’m wearing my face in the noonday sun
Many things come from a man of many things
I’m a swirling lot of possibilities/missed opportunities/grab bag of happenings/memories

Jack of all trades
Master of none
Jack of all trades

Ace is high
But the king and queen
Rule the pack
Still the one-eyed jack winks back
Inscrutable meaning
Where’s the pleasure in
Learning half of everything
To understand nothing
God I’ve got this feeling
Sitting still is suicide

Want to sing mountains
Want to climb waterways
Want to swim deserts
Gonna sell real estate

Want to be everything
Want to touch everyone
Want to stay away
Gonna know nothing

That’s why I’m a

Jack of all trades master of none
I’m wearing my face in the noonday sun
Many things come from a man of many things
I’m a swirling lot of possibilities/missed opportunities/grab bag of happenings/memories

Jack of all trades
Master of none
Jack of all trades

I can pick a little, blow a little, sing a little some
Sorry if the cherished melodies
Don’t appeal to memory
I probably know a different version of it sometimes
I only know to play a portion of a version anyway
Sometimes a near miss is good as a hit, I said
Sometimes a near miss is good as a hit for a

Jack of all trades master of none
I’m wearing my face in the noonday sun
Many things come from a man of many things
I’m a swirling lot of possibilities/missed opportunities/grab bag of happenings/memories

Jack of all trades
Master of none
Jack of all trades

I’ve been a
Never been a henchman
Never been a Vegan

Jack of all trades master of none
I’m wearing my face in the noonday sun
Many things come from a man of many things
I’m a swirling lot of possibilities/missed opportunities/grab bag of happenings/memories
Jack of all trades
Master of none
Jack of all trades

Jack of all trades
Jack of all trades
Jack of all trades
Master of none

Master of trades
Master of trades
Master of trades
Jack of some
Jack of some
Jack of some
Jack of some

Also at

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Arise! Records

New site up for Arise! Records. mp3s available

Just created a page at to provide some sparse demos of songs that should have full instrumentation within the next few months. Please check it out! If you listen: let the song play through! (For the charts.)

Here's the dirt on the demos:

I Must Go: Fairly simple guitars and vocals. Needs more umph, a fiddle, and a solo added.

Jack of All Trades: Needs a fiddle! Maybe an harmonica. And more defined, arranged guitars.

Cemetery Sunday: My favorite song, but not mix. Needs the fiddle and guitar redone. No double tracking on vocals!
